Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wedding Trends 2012 #5

Trend #5:    Full-scale themes, not just a color palette will define weddings in 2012.  Popular themes include vintage, rustic, shabby chic and exotic, but your wedding theme should reflect your tastes and interests and be interesting or fun for your wedding guests.

A good way to get started with a wedding theme is to make a list of words that fit your theme.  Below are some examples for the themes I've listed. 

Vintage:  of old, recognized, and enduring interest, importance, or quality : classic
WORD LIST: lace, crystal, gold, dried flowers, antiques, feathers, wine, velvet, brooches, pearls, damask, ivory....

Rustic:  of, relating to, or suitable for the country : rural 
WORD LIST:  homemade, natural wood, out-of-doors, jars, trees, straw, wild flowers, fruits and vegetables, baskets....

Shabby Chic:  a faddishly popular quality or appeal; faded from wear; functional while being beautiful and comfortable: cottage style
WORD LIST:  doilies, re-purposed house-hold items, ribbons, eclectic arrangements, roses, picture frames, china....

Exotic: of foreign origin or character; strikingly unusual in effect or appearance: ethnic
WORD LIST:  bright colors, canopies, orchids, bird of paradise flowers, leis, ivory, statues, intense lighting effects, incense....

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